
Igor Girard-Carrabin & William Lacheny, The data science challenges in the European SESAME project


About their stakes in Data Science in the SESAME European project, which uses Data Science to improve the economic and operational performance of European launchers.

English and Spanish CC subtitles available

Igor Girard-Carrabin
SESAME Project Manager, ArianeGroup

After graduating as an Industrial Engineer from INSA Lyon with one specialization in finance and business performance management from ESCP Europe, Igor Girard-Carrabin had a variety of roles in New York in supply chain services focused on business transformation before joining Ariane Group in 2016 as SESAME Project Manager.

William Lacheny
SESAME Technical Leader, ArianeGroup

William Lacheny is a graduate of the ISAE-SUPAERO and CNAM University as an aeronautical and spatial engineer. He joined Ariane Group in 2014, and he honed his expertise as an Industrialization Coordination Engineer before taking the position as SESAME Technical leader in 2017. 


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