Art and Creativity In the Age of AI | Ahmed Elgammal, Rutger University Art and Creativity In the Age of AI | Ahmed Elgammal, Rutger University
EGG AMS 2019 Opening Plenary | Hylke Visser, Dataiku EGG AMS 2019 Opening Plenary | Hylke Visser, Dataiku
AI in Retail: Building a Brilliant Shoe Discovery System | Antonis Argyros, SafeSize AI in Retail: Building a Brilliant Shoe Discovery System | Antonis Argyros, SafeSize
What is to be Done When Everything Can be Faked | Shaun McGirr, Cox Automotive UK What is to be Done When Everything Can be Faked | Shaun McGirr, Cox Automotive UK
The Law of Averages to Deal with Data Science Frustration | Adrian Badi, Demant The Law of Averages to Deal with Data Science Frustration | Adrian Badi, Demant
Users Floating in Space: A Study in Recommendations | Tyler Neylon, Unbox Research Users Floating in Space: A Study in Recommendations | Tyler Neylon, Unbox Research
Collaborative Data Science at DAZN | Luke Clark & Andrea Salvati, DAZN Collaborative Data Science at DAZN | Luke Clark & Andrea Salvati, DAZN
Von der Automatisierung zur Autonomie: Wie kann KI die Transformation unterstützen? | Jan R. Seyler, Festo AG & Co. KG Von der Automatisierung zur Autonomie: Wie kann KI die Transformation unterstützen? | Jan R. Seyler, Festo AG & Co. KG
MLops: from buzzword to reality | Arnaud Canu, Eulidia MLops: from buzzword to reality | Arnaud Canu, Eulidia
Conversational AI and NLP Use Cases at Uber | Franziska Bell, Uber Conversational AI and NLP Use Cases at Uber | Franziska Bell, Uber
Cleaner Oceans Through AI and Data Science | Bruno Sainte-Rose, The Ocean Cleanup Cleaner Oceans Through AI and Data Science | Bruno Sainte-Rose, The Ocean Cleanup